Annual Meeting (General Business Meeting): Date, Time, and Location
March 9, 2025, 5:30 - 6:30 PM, EDT (as part of the ADEA Annual Session and Exhibition)
Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center
201 Waterfront Street
National Harbor Room#3
National Harbor, MD 20745
Please remember that EACH chapter must send at least 1 (one) delegate to the annual meeting. Additionally, it is imperative that each delegate signs in to the annual meeting sign-in sheet; failure to do so may result in your chapter being marked as absent from the annual meeting. (Please refer to Art. X, Sec. 7, for more information)
(Please refer to Art. IX, Sec. B, sub. 1 for more information).
Meeting Schedule
In accord with Art. IX, Sec. B, sub. 5, the business at the annual meeting of the Supreme Chapter may be conducted in the following order:
1. Roll call of delegates
2. Reading of the minutes
3. President's Address
4. Secretary-Treasurer's report and approval of budget
5. Report of Committees
6. Unfinished business
7. New business
8. Election of officers/directors
9. Installation of officers/directors
10. Adjournment