General Business Meeting Minutes
Hyatt Regency Portland – Convention Center
375 NE Holladay St, Willamette 1b, Level Two, Portland, OR
Sunday March 12, 2023, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM (PST)
1. Meeting called to order by President Kenneth Chance at 5:33 PST.
2. President Chance introduced the Board of Directors: President Kennneth Chance, President-Elect Peter Loomer, Vice-President Clark Stanford, and Secretary-Treasurer Jon Suzuki were all in attendance. Brian Suzuki, Executive Director, was also in attendance.
3. President Chance reminded delegates missing 2 consecutive meetings means loss of recognition.
4. President Chance determined there was a quorum by delegate show of hands.
5. President Chance advised delegates to give their names and chapter affiliations when addressing the chair.
6. President entertained a motion to dispense with reading of 2022 business meeting minutes since a copy was posted on There was a motion. Seconded. Approved.
7. President Chance read introductory remarks.
8. President Chance solicited members to volunteer for committee assignments.
9. Reports were read from the podium. Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki read minutes of March 12, 2023 Board of Director’s Meeting. Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki read the Secretary’s Report. Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki read the Treasurer’s Report. President-Elect Loomer read the Auditing Committee Report. Secretary-Treasurer Suzuki read the Budget and Finance Committee Report. Executive Director Brian Suzuki read the Bylaws Committee Report. President-Elect Loomer the Nominating Committee Report: the committee selected Dean Carole-Ann Murdoch-Kinch of Indiana University (Theta Theta Chapter). President-Elect read introductory remarks about Dean Murdoch-Kinch.
10. President Chance entertained a motion to approve the reports and nomination. There was a motion. Seconded. Approved. All reports approved. Dean Carole-Ann Murdoch-Kinch was approved as new incoming Vice-President.
11. Vice-President Stanford read remarks and presented the Leeper Award to Dr. Andrew Spielman, Omega Chapter, New York University.
12. resident-Elect Loomer delivered remarks and presented the Craig Award to Dr. Patricia Swanson, Sigma Tau Chapter, Stony Brook University.
13. President Chance delivered remarks and presented the Chapter Award to Kappa Lambda Chapter, Dental College of GA at Augusta University.
14. Vice-President Stanford delivered remarks on the Jon B. Suzuki Research Award and presented the award to Dr. Andrew Young, University of the Pacific.
15. Secretary -Treasurer Suzuki read the Necrology Report. Delegates were asked to stand for a moment of silence.
16. President Chance reminded delegates to sign the attendance sheet at the room entrance.
17. Executive Director Brian Suzuki read the Ad Hoc Committee on Pass/Fail Grading’s report.
18. President Chance reminded delegates to submit inductees through website or use current excel form available on the website for smoother registration of new inductees. Such registration protocol reduces time, errors, and resources.
19. President Chance excused Secretary-Treasurer Jon Suzuki and Executive Director Brian Suzuki from the meeting to avoid conflicts of interest under select items in New Business.
20. Vice-President Clark Stanford read remarks. A vote was held to induct Executive Director Brian Suzuki as an Honorary Member of the Supreme Chapter: the vote was approved. Vice-President Suzuki and Executive Director Brian Suzuki were recalled into the meeting. Brian Suzuki was admitted as an Honorary Member.
21. President Chance installed new officers: President Peter Loomer, President-Elect Clark Stanford, Vice-President Carole-Ann Murdoch-Kinch, and Secretary-Treasurer Jon Suzuki.
22. Immediate-Past-President Chance gave remarks on President Loomer.
23. President Loomer gave introductory remarks.
24. President Loomer presented Immediate-Past-President Chance with President Award.
25. President Peter Loomer called for additional business, recommendations or suggestions for the betterment of OKU.
26. President Loomer reminded chapters that bylaws mandate they are to submit an annual report at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting. A form is available at
27. President Loomer reminded the Board of Directors to meet for the post-business meeting.
28. President Loomer moved for adjournment. Seconded. Approved.