The Omicron Kappa Upsilon-Chapter Award recognizes an OKU component chapter that has created exemplary programs that promote excellence at the local level. The award will honor a component chapter that has created innovative programs that foster excellence in the spirit of Omicron Kappa Upsilon.
Any component chapter, in good standing*, is eligible to receive the award. A chapter that receives the award will not be eligible for the award for 5 years.
The Chapter Award Selection Committee will consider all activities by a component chapter that recognizes and encourages the art, science and literature of dentistry. Selection will be based upon the innovative and creative programs that the chapter has developed to encourage excellence in educating and motivating students, faculty and the dental community.
The Chapter Award Selection Committee will review all material submitted in Annual Reports to select a winner. Decisions are made prior to the Supreme Chapter Annual Business Meeting. For consideration, reports must be submitted by December 31.
The award will be presented at the OKU Supreme Chapter Annual Business Meeting.
2019 - Delta Delta Chapter, University of the Pacific
2020 - Sigma Chapter, University of Illinois, Chicago
2021 - COVID Abstention
2022 - COVID Abstention
2023 - Kappa Lambda Chapter, Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University
2024 - Omega Chapter, New York University